Leading by Leaning in

One thing that’s become abundantly clear as the COVID crisis has worn on is that very little is, in fact, clear. How soon to reopen? To mask or not? Open schools or continue with remote learning? And will all this be only a blip in our collective consciousness or a true catalyst for lasting changes in consumer behavior? 

One thing that has become clear in hindsight of the past several months, however, is how brands can best respond to the moment. For example, how can a brand most known as a symbol of American happiness relevantly engage with people during a serious global pandemic? The answer lies in a refreshing strategy that marries marketing with action, powerfully borne out of the brand’s values and its core position of optimism.  

As lockdowns began, Coca-Cola promoted a simple, uplifting, and unifying message,  “Together we can”  and turned over all its social channels—which each boast millions of followers—to community partners whose messages would be amplified to make a powerful, positive impact.  

As AdAge reports, for weeks, Coke channels featured ‘takeovers’ from partners like Feeding America, the Salvation Army, the Boys and Girls Clubs, and the United Way, among them. As the COVID crisis evolved into social unrest, Coke built on its Togetherness message with a bold, clear statement of its values backed up by donations to equality-focused non-profits. 

The lesson? When core purpose drives brand marketing and subsequent actions—in turbulent times or calm(er) ones—messages resonate.  

The lesson for banking brands: Look to your purpose, position and values as a North Star to calibrate your response to a fast-changing world in a credible way, ultimately deepening the trust of customers. 

To learn more about how your brand can strengthen its core purpose—during COVID or beyond—email info@adrenalinex.com.