Data You Can Use

A generational survey gauges U.S. banking consumers’ willingness to shop around for new financial products and services. Source: Insider Intelligence, “U.S. Banking Consumer Habits,” November 2023


J.D. Power survey finds consumer satisfaction scores stay steady, but rising rate environment has them open to change Survey of more than 100,000 retail bank customers finds: 46% Certain they’ll...

The Story: Banks and credit unions undergoing a rebrand over the last decade report business growth in the months and years following the launch of their updated brand. Data released...

Survey of 2,000 banking consumers by MarketWatch highlights banking expectations and experiences, from Gen Z to Baby Boomers Banking habits across generations: 86% of Gen X talk to their friends...

The Story: A large-scale study of senior executives by Wall Street Journal Intelligence and Infosys finds nearly six out of ten leaders say companies must create value in ways that...

The Story: The need for brand differentiation is one of the core challenges all companies face, and something that’s especially true for financial brands awash in a sea of sameness....

Survey spotlights ways banks can tailor business banking products and services to smaller enterprise clients Most important criteria for selecting a primary bank: 47% Robust relationship management & account servicing...

The Story: Community financial institutions have made up the vast majority of merger participants for the last decade, on both sides of the deal. But when banking experienced a pandemic...

The Story: Even when consumers have easy access to digital banking and mobile apps, they continue to choose the branch for core banking functions, including account opening, deposits and payments,...