The Story: More than 8 out of 10 bank and credit union leaders report that their rebrand positively impacted their organization’s culture – reaffirming core values inside their institution and...
In this special guest episode of the Believe in Banking podcast, Gina and Juliet welcome Yvonne Garand, Chief Brand and Marketing Officer and Jevonne McLaughlin, Vice President of Brand Marketing,...
In this episode of the Believe in Banking podcast, Gina and Juliet discuss the resilience and enduring relevance of the of the branch. Fresh off the stage from her keynote...
The Story: Banks and credit unions undergoing a rebrand over the last decade report business growth in the months and years following the launch of their updated brand. Data released...
Credit unions that rebrand have exceeded industry growth rates over the past decade When credit unions seek out renewed relevance for their institutions, they often look to rebranding as a...
The Story: The need for brand differentiation is one of the core challenges all companies face, and something that’s especially true for financial brands awash in a sea of sameness....
In this episode of the Believe in Banking podcast, Gina and Juliet take on the topic of bank and credit union branding. They discuss their upcoming speaking sessions at the...
Companies rank their biggest obstacles in establishing brand visibility and positive consumer sentiment in an era of tightening resources. 68% Negative online reviews 55% Not enough brand visibility 55% Too...
In part two of the special guest episode of the Believe in Banking podcast, Sean and Gina welcome back Dan Rousseve, Chief Information Officer, and Angie Dvorak, Chief Marketing &...