Community Banks

Financial account consolidation on the rise post-pandemic

The Story: As post-pandemic switching activity is on the rise, people are looking to simplify their financial lives by pulling all ...
Beige Believe in Banking logo

Upsurge in Financial Wellness as a Differentiator for Banking

Financial services sector supports consumers coming out of COVID with valuable money management tools and financial planning counsel A renewed ...
30% of financial institutions whose top 2021 priority is developing better financial planning tools
Community Banks

FIs deepen trust by prioritizing financial wellness for consumers

The Story: As consumers’ post-Covid interest in achieving financial wellness rises, more banks and credit unions are prioritizing that need ...
How are people planning for their financial future?
Branch Banking

How are people planning for their financial future?

A post-COVID financial wellness across all generations is driving industry change.
Image of young african man early morning standing near bicycle looking aside chatting by phone outdoors.
Bank Marketing

Stay Human: Building Better Banking Relationships in an Era of Digitization

Balancing digital adoption with customized human-centric experiences in banking As consumer demand for digital hit an all-time high during COVID, ...
How is consumer financial behavior changing in 2021?
Branch Banking

How is consumer financial behavior changing in 2021?

As we emerge from COVID, consumer optimism in the US is grounded by a newfound focus on financial wellness.
49% of U.S. consumers whose primary goal in 2021 is achieving financial wellness
Community Banks

Financial wellness ranks a top priority for U.S. consumers

The Story: As we emerge from the whiplash of 2020 and the economy recovers, people are taking the long view of ...