With competition for customers at an all-time high post-COVID, community FIs are consistently looking for new ways to spark interest and engagement and deliver true consumer value at the same...
The Story: A recent Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) survey of 10,000 Americans finds a significant majority recognize the importance of local banking, with 70% citing the importance of...
The Story: With a big leap in users in just the last year, TikTok has become the place to reach an increasingly influential demographic. Or as Adrenaline’s Taking TikTok Seriously...
Becoming financially literate today doesn’t require students to sit through boring class presentations about the magic of compound interest or how to stay on top of your bank balance. Quite...
The Story: As fintech continues inroads into banking, FIs are discovering that their current checking and savings account customers may be going elsewhere for competing products, like payments, loans, credit...
The Story: According to research from Capgemini featured in Business Insider, a vast majority of banking customers are willing to share their personal data with their bank. Among the 86%...
As part of a complete omnichannel experience, digital account opening provides seamless customer convenience. Source: Signicat data, featured in The Financial Brand, “What The Heck Is Wrong With Online Account...
The Story: The pandemic saw late adopters latching onto fintech platforms, with U.S. uptake growing 30 percentage points between 2020 and 2021. As a result, today Millennials and Gen Z...
The Story: Nearly four out of ten small businesses in the U.S. are owned by women. However, data shows that only 25% of women versus 34% of men are likely...