Should Financial Advertising Stop Because of COVID-19?

During Coronavirus, financial marketers across the country are watching their bank marketing budgets shrink and their plans for advertising get sidelined. While it may seem like the right decision to pull these ads, is it a good idea to go dark right now? Especially for essential services providers like banks? That is the question that The Financial Brand wanted to answer when they interviewed experts who specialize in marketing strategies for financial institutions, including Adrenaline’s Juliet D’Ambrosio, Senior Director of Strategy and Kristin Ronca, Group Account Director.

Here are their key takeaways:

  • Shift Not Silence – Change messaging strategy to ensure it’s tailored for this moment
  • Assess Channel Distribution – Look at where ads are running and move them to home platforms
  • Stay Human – When determining the right course, lead with empathy first
  • No Bragging – Banish competition between banks and stay humble and helpful

For a more detailed analysis of the advertising landscape in financial services from The Financial Brand’s article, visit “Shift not Silence: How the Financial Industry Should Approach Advertising Now” in Adrenaline’s newsroom.

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